3 Website Call-to-Action Tips for Financial Advisors

August 10, 2023
min read

For a website to convert, it must be designed with intention.

I want to share a few tips around the most important part of a website: call-to-actions

If you don't tell people what to do on a website, they won't do it.

Let's use a quick example - (if you're able to zoom in on the image below) which of these hero sections do you think is more likely to get clicks?

This is a redesign I've been working on that's set to launch soon and while I don't know what the conversion numbers will be, I can assume after launching, the one on the right will be much higher.

The previous version had no call-to-action in the hero section, no highlighted call-to-action in the navigation bar, no "schedule" button.

There were very few opportunities for anyone to reach out and in my opinion, this is the biggest mistake most advisor sites make.

There should be no friction and no questions throughout a website visitor's process of reaching out.

I like to blanket call-to-actions with context to help guide the visitor:


Adding the "1, 2, 3" steps provides clarity as to what happens next because if you think about it, most people don't know what meeting with an advisor looks like. So the more you can do to show them, the better.

CTA Tip: Consistency is key in a lot of things, and it applies here. If you're telling people to do several different things as they're scrolling through your site, they don't know what they should be doing. In an ideal world, a website should have one clear call-to-action—the #1 thing that you want a website visitor to do—and that should be repeated on every page. Then, there should be 1-2 alternative CTAs, like an email grab or viewing your planning process/pricing page.

CTA Tip: At least one call-to-action should be visible at all times, no matter where someone's at on the website.

CTA Tip: Add a uniform call-to-action at the bottom of every page to help reinforce next steps - like this:

Also read: How to Build a Website that Converts: The 5 Essentials